Generally, it works this way:
The family makes application with the Jefferson Metropolitan Housing Authority for participation in the program. Their name is placed on a waiting list until Funds are available to assist their need. Applications are not taken all the time, but only on an advertised date, usually once per year. The date and time of applications being taken are posted at all agencies, post office, banks and public housing units, as well as, in the classified section of the local newspaper.
When the family reaches the top of the waiting list and if they meet Requirements they are notified to come in for a briefing and information on Eligibility. At the briefing, an appointment will be scheduled to verify all aspects of the application. At the scheduled appointment if the family meets the required criteria necessary for eligibility, they will be issued a Housing Choice Voucher.
The family is then free to seek a housing unit in Jefferson County that meets its Needs and satisfies the program requirements. For a unit to be eligible for inclusion under the program, it must be in the standard condition. New lease-ups under the Voucher program cannot exceed the agency payment standard for the appropriate bedroom size. If the gross rent for the unit is more than the applicable payment standard, the share of gross rent may not exceed the 40 % of the adjusted monthly income.
If the owner agrees to participate in the program, the Housing Authority must inspect and certify that the unit is in standard condition and meets the Housing Quality Standards established by HUD.
The owner and family negotiate and sign a 12 month lease for the unit. At the same time, The JMHA and the owner execute a Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Contract, where by the Jefferson Metropolitan Housing Authority pledges to make partial rental payments on behalf of the participating family.
The family occupies the unit, paying a maximum of 40% of its income for rent and the JMHA pays the difference between that amount and the actual contract rent of the unit. If the tenant income changes, the portion of the rent will be adjusted according to policy requirements. All payments are made directly to the property owner. The subsidized amount will be forwarded by JMHA and the tenant portion is to be collected by the property owner/manager.